Category Archives: Tech

Galaxy S6 battery mod: S7 Edge battery

I am pretty happy with my Galaxy S6 – its an excellent phone. Amazing CPU and GPU performance, fast storage (though I only got the 32 GB version), good software support (Samsung updated it to Nougat) and of course the beautiful AMOLED 1440p display – it certainly is one of the best phones released by Samsung. One issue I had with it, however was its battery life. At the beginning, while not amazing, the battery performance was okay – I was getting about 30 h with medium-heavy usage, which fast charging alleviated a lot. However, with using fast charging all the time, after an year and a half, my average battery life has dropped to about 18 hours, which while manageable is far from perfect. Continue reading Galaxy S6 battery mod: S7 Edge battery

Mini ITX office PC build log

So, the other day, my mom’s office computer began to fail – unable to start sometimes and sudden shutdowns. Upon inspection, it turned out, that a lot of the capacitors on the motherboard were swollen. This ancient 10 year old machine has seen a lot and it was time for it to go. Since my mom is a doctor and is quite dependent on her PC to work, I knew that when her computer inevitably dies, she would just go out and buy some shitty prebuilt machine, so I decided that I will build one for her. Continue reading Mini ITX office PC build log